Terms & conditions

Terms and conditions

Spiritual Whispers TM


All services offered by Spiritual Whispers are for entertainment purposes only and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of a reading or other service. Your pictorial readings may be used in advertisement.

You must be 18 years of age or older to use my services.

Your psychic reading is subject to your own personal interpretation.

The information contained within your psychic reading should at no time be regarded as legal, psychological, medical, business, or financial fact.

Any actions or decisions taken by you, the client, as a result of your reading, are solely your choice and your responsibility. Spiritual Whispers accepts no Responsibility for your own choices and actions made.

Privacy policy

Unless you request otherwise; we will only use your email address for the purposes of our own marketing. An unsubscribe option will always be available to you, as will the ability to amend your preferences.
We will not under any circumstances whatsoever pass on or sell any of your personal data to any third party.

The photograpth of your reading may be used in advertisement on this website only.

Client confidentiality

Spiritual Whispers respects all of our clients as individuals and therefore, we will conduct our business as confidentially as possible. 
Our client list will not be divulged to member of the public or other companies. we will not put ourselves in a position of compromise with office bodies and we will comply fully with official bodies where we deem this to be appropriate, this includes but is not exhaustive to the Police and the NHS Track & Trace System.
We reserve the right to use our discretion to contact the Emergency Services, Health Professionals or the Police should we feel it necessary to do so in the case of client crisis.


Spiritual Whispers is Trademark UK00003194577


The Egyptian design tarot cards and Native Indian design rune stones and spiritual cards are:

Copyright 2002, 2003, 2013, 2022, 2023, 2024 All rights reserved.

You do not have permission to copy any of these designs or images.

Psychic reading

This is not a live psychic reading; i will do your online psychic reading within 3-5 days.

Pendulum reading

This is not a live pendulum reading; i will do your online pendulum reading within 3-5 days.

FREE tarot card reading

This is a tarot card reading only and does not include a palm psychic reading. i will do your free tarot card reading within 3-5 days.

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