Tarot cards

Tarot cards, Tarot card readings

Tarot card reading

I use a variety of gifts which include unique hand painted Egyptian tarot cards and spiritual wellbeing cards. 20 years ago, I kept getting visions from spirit, about Egyptian hieroglyphs and to start understanding what they meant. i was seeing words, pictures, symbols and over time, I wrote the messages, drew the symbols and painted the pictures. These tarot cards are unique and of of a kind, and accurate in what they depict. The pack contains 61 individual and unique psychic tarot cards and are different to the traditional, every day tarot reading online.

tarot cards

With the standard tarot card readings; there are a set number of cards and each with a defined meaning. But all the cards have the same specification; a number of cups, swords, pentacles and so on, on each card. So the only difference in the standard tarot card is the design. Their meaning will always be the same. My spiritual readings are unlike other psychic reading sites..

tarot card reading

Tarot card meaning

With the psychic medium design; the tarot cards are divided into three groups; red for the lower plane, green for the middle plane and blue for the higher plane of spirit. Each colour defines a meaning from in-depth message to a couple of words.

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